Good afternoon NFBC family,
We are living in unprecedented times. I am thankful that our nation’s leaders are uniting in response to the rising Coronavirus epidemic. Currently, our President has issued several guidelines to help mitigate the spread of the virus. I would encourage all of you, especially our elderly members, to follow them. (Find them here) This is not only a civic duty, but a way that we as God’s people can “love your neighbor as yourself.” (Matt. 22:39)
One of the guidelines is to avoid social gatherings of more than 10 people. Obviously, this guideline affects if and how we should gather as the church. As I have prayed over this situation and have spoken with our church leadership, I have made the decision to temporarily suspend our services tonight and this coming Sunday, March 22nd.
This was not an easy decision for me. I ran across something that I had written down, “Church is not just something we go to, it is who we are.” We are the church and ministry is still happening outside the four walls. We must continue to speak hope and encouragement into people’s lives and care for their needs.
I want to thank everyone who gave sacrificially last week for Tornado Relief. We received $1,234. If you were planning on giving for disaster relief this Sunday, please consider mailing your offering to the church or you can also give online on the website. I would also encourage you to give your regular offering in the same way.
I will be preaching for Sunday and posting it on our website, YouTube channel, and Facebook page. If you would like to listen or watch and do not have online access, please let me know and I will be glad to deliver a CD or DVD to you.
As we prepare for the next few weeks, let us not forget the importance of prayer. Lifeway recently published a 7 day Coronavirus prayer guide which is very helpful. Please use it as you “continue steadfastly in prayer.” (Col. 4:2)

I am praying for each of you. If anyone has a need, please don’t hesitate to call or message me.
Keep pressing on,
Pastor Eric