Bible Text: 1 Thessalonians 1:1-10 | Speaker: Eric Atkins | Series: Stand Alone Sermons
Can you work your way into heaven? Of course not. We must humble ourselves before God and by faith trust in the finished work of Christ on the cross.
Hurting people are looking in all the wrong places for the truth that will set them free. We need to point them to Jesus. We need to point them to hope.
What breaks your heart? Our hearts should break over the things that break the heart of God. He uses people with broken hearts to reach the broken.
We need each other to fulfill the purpose that God has for His church. We must work togther, leader and laity, for the sake of the gospel.
God has always raised up leaders whose hearts were devoted to Him. These are the men that God chooses to lead the church. Deacons are leading servants under the authority of Christ in His church.